I often wonder how many Americans know or even care how many human beings from Iraq have been killed as a result of the U.S. invasion. Seriously, how many Americans ar

Given American complacency during genocides in Rwanda and Darfur, one can’t help but draw the conclusion that the majority of Americans are not concerned about the lives of human beings from other countries. And why should that surprise anyone, given that Americans don’t seem to care about the lives of other Americans if they should happen to be Black, Latino, or poor. In the past week, how much genuine widespread outrage has been given since the American public learned of the kidnapping, rape, and torture of a Black woman in West Virginia at the hands of 6 inbred whites? Outside of Black America, how many white, Asian and Latino Americans have expressed outrage at the plight of the Jena 6? Besides a handful of college students, where has the outrage been as a noose was hung in front of a Black cultural center at the University of Maryland?

Until we as human beings place equal value on all human lives, we only devalue our own lives. 900,000 lives lost - 900,000. Nearly 1/6 of the Holocaust. Where is the outrage? Where is the humanity? What have we become? Are we that nationalistic, or just individualistic? America was built on two ideals: white supremacy and manifest destiny. Surely we don't all buy into the same extreme xenophobic mentality that wiped the Native American off the map and committed the inhumane atrocity of slavery against the African. Surely we care more about human beings than we do about attaining shit like cars and clothes. Surely we care more about 900,000 dead human beings from Iraq than Michael Vick's 4-8 dead pitbulls. Surely we do - right?
Dear Blogger,
we the "sheeple" of the United States cannot handle the truth of the Iraq war, we'd rather focus our attention on Britney Spears' lousy performance at the VMA's.
I mean, come on, the biggest event on BET's "106 & Park" on 9-11 was the release of two hip-hop albums! WTF?
Also, included in Mr Alan Greenspan's upcoming book "I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil".
...why worry about 3776 people who volunteered anyway when Perez Hilton has a new show on VH-1?
University of Maryland? Do they have a football team? Did they too beat Notre Dame? No? then who cares?
West Virginia inbreds raping a black woman repeatedly? Oh no, them "darkies" tried that shit before with the Duke Lacrosse team.
Come on Blogger, stop worrying about the war and don't you say a bad thing about our President, or the terrorists will win.
Sarcastic, but true - just wait until the 24/7 OJ coverage begins again..
Your comments are right on point. Sadly, Americans, generally, don’t care about what’s happening to other people in other parts of the world, unless it somehow influences their finances. The government rarely acts to save the lives of others in the world unless We The People urge the government to do so. Remember the anti-apartheid movement? It took the people to urge government to (1) take an official stand against it and (2) get government and corporations to divest. Why can’t we do the same with Darfur? Well, I’m glad you asked. The answer is that good ole boy Bush made a deal with the government of Darfur to get information on Bin Laden, who lived there for a while. How can we condemn a nation that we consider a political ally in the great war against terror? Wouldn’t we look like hypocrites if we acknowledged that out partners in the war against terror are terrorists to their own citizens? Why yes! The same way we’re hypocrites for doing so much business with China, which, by our State Dept. reports, remains an oppressive nation with social and religious intolerance (http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/18902.htm). (BTW, where is all the press on this? I think I saw one spot on "60 Minutes" but that's it.) The people need to stand up and speak out or else this administration’s various deals with the devils of the world are going to come back and haunt us.
D-Fence -
I agree absolutely that the U.S. has no legitimate authority to act in other nations like the Sudan, given its own complicity in illegal affairs there. And while I agree to a certain extent about China, I don't think we need to look that far for terror since we seem to have enough home grown terrorism right here hanging nooses, waving confederate flags, and painting swastikas daily.
But your point is well taken. When the U.S. behaves so immorally our credibility overseas is shot.
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